Sunday, February 6, 2011


Always the animal
in her, unable to find a room
long enough to get a bit of speed up

And something here: clickety link The Diamond and The Thief


Sigerson said...

almost an engineering problem ... and yet this pithy piece has more dimensions that can be measured by t-square or compass

Jhon Baker said...

quite good! yes, I really attached to it.

Thomas Perkins said...

Nice. I wonder how much is animal and how much human. Here may be an opposing sentiment...

bob vanderwest said...

Slightly claustrophobic, with echoes of Daedalus and Icarus trapped in the Labrynth at Crete. A suggestion, perhaps undermining the ambiguity of "animal", though I don't think so. Specify which animal.

Blackbird said...

perfected hesitation, perplexed designation, smart, subtly sexy, and a title which leads in many directions. excellent.

Anonymous said...

i like the use of 'her' instead of (the possible) 'me'/ catch you a bit of guard.

Graham Nunn said...

feetingly gorgeous...

Amanda Joy said...

Thanks Sigerson! I hadn't considered the engineering. :)

Nice to see you Jhon, glad you enjoyed.

Hi Thomas, even Stevens i reckon ;)

Thanks Bob, the human animal methinks.

Thanks you muchly Dale.

cheers Dhyan!

Graham :)